Osadee’s Summer Fling is As Brilliant As Come-Out Singles Get
Osadee is no new comer to the art of creating music however, Summer Fling is his first time putting himself in the public eye with his own music as opposed to on a feature or cover. Over the past five years, Osadee has put his all into the music and shown patience by never rushing to put […]
Tomi Idowu
8 years ago
Osadee is no new comer to the art of creating music however, Summer Fling is his first time putting himself in the public eye with his own music as opposed to on a feature or cover. Over the past five years, Osadee has put his all into the music and shown patience by never rushing to put out sub-standard music which explains why Summer Fling is his first single off a project despite being a member of music groups across the African continent for the finer part of his life.
Summer Fling is laden with sounds from pianos and drums ahead of suave vocals from Osadee and Johdavinci who touch on everything from the friendzone to running away and all the things you really only see in Romantic Comedies. Osadee’s music has always centred around love and this track serves is an indication that he is staying true to the tried and trusted subject matter. We also see him employ a chord combination similar to other RnB acts like Banky W on the track.