IK Ogbonna is a Tormented Priest in the Thrilling Trailer for The Confessor

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The Confessor trailer ik ogbonna

A Reverend Father is expectedly a forgiving person, but when Reverand Frank meets one of the murderers of his sister—whom he has been mourning for three years—during a confession, he swaps his white cassock for an all-black ensemble and seeks revenge.

Ik Ogbonna plays the grieving Reverand Frank and the trailer showed his grief, suffering, anger, and confusion when he is accused of murder.

Watch the thrilling trailer for The Confessor below.

IK Ogbonna stars as a grieving reverend father who decides to take the law into his own hands when his sister is senselessly murdered by a gang member

The Confessor is directed by Chibuike Ibe, its cast includes Daniel K Daniel, Chucks Chyke, Paul Vicks and Bimbo Ademoye. The film opens in cinemas nationwide on September 6, 2019.