5 very memorable things Donald Trump said in the Debates.
Republican nominee for Presidency, Donald Trump and the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton took to the podiums for the third and final time to debate one another last night. Over the three debates, one could argue Mr. Trump progressively got better over the three contests however, he did say some pretty memorable things. Here are 5 […]
Republican nominee for Presidency, Donald Trump and the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton took to the podiums for the third and final time to debate one another last night. Over the three debates, one could argue Mr. Trump progressively got better over the three contests however, he did say some pretty memorable things. Here are 5 phrases that we will almost never forget from presidential candidate, Donald Trump.
1. Wrong
Probably the most repeated word the man said all through. This one started in the first debate and followed us till the close of the last debate. “You’re running for President.” “Wrong.”
2. “We have some bad hombres here and we’re gonna get them out”
Yeah, your candidate really went out and said the words bad hombres in reference to Latinos in the final debate last night.
3. “Nobody has more respect for women than I do.”
OMG this is the funniest thing your man said all through the three debates. It was so funny that even the audience members began laughing. Excuse me sir, weren’t you the one speaking in those tapes?
4. Bigly
LOOOOOOOL, he really said the word bigly! My 5 year old cousin would get whooped for coming at you with a word that has no place in the dictionary.
5. “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation.”
2nd Debate, he claims that if he wins, he shall be appointing a special prosecutor to look into Hillary’s lying and deception. Guess we just going to have to wait till America goes to the polls to see if he’ll have that chance.
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