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A wedding is an important milestone between a bride and a groom because it’d be the start of their new journey as one flesh. This special day is witnessed by close family and friends, so it’s important to have a memorable celebration. But how do you make this possible? This article would discuss several ideas […]
A wedding is an important milestone between a bride and a groom because it’d be the start of their new journey as one flesh. This special day is witnessed by close family and friends, so it’s important to have a memorable celebration. But how do you make this possible? This article would discuss several ideas on making your big day the grandest.
Pulling Off An Iconic Wedding
You’d want to have the best wedding for everyone to see, so these tips would help you prepare and leave an impression on your guests. Here are some things you should consider:
Having a wedding entails months of preparation, so it’s important to start early. From choosing fresh wedding floral trends to securing the date and the venue, these should be done ahead of time. Make a clear plan as to how you’d want the wedding day to be, so you’d have a vision of what should be accomplished and prioritized.
Once you’ve outlined the tasks and deliverables, it’s now time to decide how much you’re going to spend for the ceremony. Setting a budget would direct your steps as to what materials and services would be availed of.
While budgeting varies from couple to couple, it’s recommended to set a realistic amount to accommodate everyone accordingly. Try to be thrifty in every aspect you can without compromising the way you want the wedding day to be.
How many guests would be invited? This question always comes up when preparing because it’ll also be a factor in deciding where the venue would be and how many foods are needed in the reception. Have an estimate of the number of people who are going to attend as early as you can.
Consider how many you can accommodate, especially now when social gatherings are limited due to the ongoing pandemic. As always, follow safety protocols or decide to elope if the ceremony won’t be permitted.
After having an estimate of the number of guests, set a date you think would be convenient for everyone. Choose various days and try to ask when the majority are available. Usually, it should be on a weekend, so there’d be no work and people from farther areas can travel.
Also, identify whether the designated date falls on a holiday or has a significant event in your area. This should be considered as it can cause problems when it comes to traffic, logistics, and the like.
Customize your wedding in a manner that’d reflect you and your partner the best. You may choose a motif signifying a crucial moment in your relationship like having a garden wedding because both of you are nature-lovers or conducting a beach wedding because you both love to be in the sea. The goal is for the wedding to be as personal as it can be, so there are no rules or restrictions in picking a theme.
Wedding hashtags combining the names of the bride and the groom is a creative way to show off your big day on social media. Using a hashtag when guests post pictures and videos online would centralize all media under one place, making it easier for everyone to browse the highlights and reminisce about the event.
When the wedding day comes, have the ceremony brief and concise, so your guests would be attentive and won’t get bored. Have the proceedings last around half an hour, so everyone would be engaged in the happenings. In this way, the retention about the wedding would be higher.
As newlyweds, see to it you greet the people who’ve been part of the big day and thank them for their efforts to witness you and your partner’s union. Acknowledge them for being a part of your love story and express your gratitude toward them. Take note, some of them prioritized the event and even went the extra mile just to see you.
If you’re planning to give a token of appreciation to those who attended, make sure what you give is something they’d be able to use. Choose a souvenir that’s both practical and sentimental—an item that your guests can use which could also serve as a reminder of your special day.
Being married is one of the best highlights in the lives of a man and a woman. It’s all the more significant to do all things possible in making this big day iconic. Consider the tips mentioned here as you prepared for the wedding that everyone will be talking about.