Ayüü Teases Upcoming Project With Bass-Driven ‘Gawu’
Coming out of a feature run, Ayüü is on the path to sharing the sequel to his third project, Mango Juice and Bad Decisions, with the project’s first single, Gawu, produced by Trill Xoe and Tobay music. In unusual fashion, the climatic single built on early millennium references and sweet waist-controlling melodies finds Ayüü playing […]
Coming out of a feature run, Ayüü is on the path to sharing the sequel to his third project, Mango Juice and Bad Decisions, with the project’s first single, Gawu, produced by Trill Xoe and Tobay music.
In unusual fashion, the climatic single built on early millennium references and sweet waist-controlling melodies finds Ayüü playing the field with words that ring true to the loverboy persona he dons in the uptempo single.
By all indications, the coming project is one to look forward to and for a starter, Gawu does a good job of putting it at the top of our lists.
Photo credit: iyare_eghiaruwa
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