News & Politics
Buhari jets off to UK for continued medical assistance
Earlier in the year, President Buhari set off to the UK for a ten-day stint with his doctors. That trip was prolonged and ended up lasting 49 days while Nigeria jumped to conclusions on the state of the President’s health. In PMB’s absence, VP Yemi Osinbajo acted in steadfast fashion to keep the country on […]
Earlier in the year, President Buhari set off to the UK for a ten-day stint with his doctors. That trip was prolonged and ended up lasting 49 days while Nigeria jumped to conclusions on the state of the President’s health. In PMB’s absence, VP Yemi Osinbajo acted in steadfast fashion to keep the country on the right path and in the opinion of many in more pragmatic fashion than President Buhari. Following President Buhari’s early March return, it was reported that the Commander-In-Chief was working from home not too long ago, causing increased calls for clarification on the President’s state.
Late Sunday, the President handed over the reigns of power to his VP before returning to the UK for continued medical support we had been warned lay ahead. There was no mention of when he shall return to the country however, the President assured citizens that there should be no cause for concern over his health.