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This place is a big pot of bullshit mixed with extra bullshit and a side of deep fried bullshit. Especially when you’re just coming as a fresh faced University Graduate, it feels like taking five steps back. Five steps all the way back to secondary school because there is very little difference. Side bar: I […]
This place is a big pot of bullshit mixed with extra bullshit and a side of deep fried bullshit. Especially when you’re just coming as a fresh faced University Graduate, it feels like taking five steps back. Five steps all the way back to secondary school because there is very little difference.
Side bar: I personally don’t like weed, hate the smell and all that but the fact that they treat it like a CLASS A drug out here kills me. They talk about it like its Cocaine or the devil himself.
There is a general attitude out here of “you’re not in the overseas anymore so we own your asses and we plan to make y’all miserable.” I thank Baba God everyday that despite all the usual annoyance, I’m still managing to have a good time.
“You can’t keep baby in a corner.”
C’est ne pas click.
Baby is still going to turn up even in the middle of nowhere and amidst the bullshit. Okay, okay. The beginning about everything being bullshit was a little dramatic but the fact is it’s true most days but it’s also not all bad.
Call me a nerd if you like but I am really enjoying the content so it’s not all bad. I love History so any chance I get to learn more about Nigerian history in particular, I literally have a nerdgasm.
The teaching style that they have adopted out here is “say it with me now…BULLSHIT”. Out of the 7or 8 lecturers that we’ve had so far, about 4 of them have been really good. The others well…not so much. The students are the real MVP’s because of this whole presentation system , they end up teaching us more than the lecturers do. ( I use the word MVP very loosely.)
What I’ll really prefer is if the lectures did the teaching. The students can be boring, the accents can be dodgy. This time, while some kid was presenting the accent he was putting on was so dodgy that he had to stop and apologise. Other times I end up learning nothing from them. Plus with the presentations I’m not always sure if they’re telling us what we really need to know or what they think we need to know.
Anyway this is just the tip of the iceberg because we haven’t gotten to the real bullshit.
The academic experience went down hill after the induction week talk. The talks (which were given to us while we were already two weeks into law school) consisted of law school faculty members telling us how much support they’ll give us. They even made the point to tell us how “they are here for us” and “be sure to come forward with any complainants” we may have because we are “All Friends Here”. Now just because I am a baby girl does not mean I am stupid, everything that was said I took with a grain of salt. Little did I know that it would be more like a table spoon of salt. It should come as no surprise that some of the staff members have a grudge against us not because we did anything but because we are coming from either England or America we MUST be bad girls and bad boys. It’s like they see it as their job to humble us. This is not the general attitude of all staff members but those who think like this really outweigh those who don’t.
I’ve heard of a lot of fights between students and the members of staff- not just verbal fights but physical fights too. I do not condone the putting of paws on others but really it can just be that frustrating. I totally get it. I really believe that half of the things they say are just to be funny because if I actually took their reasoning or logic seriously, I might just lose a couple braincells. So I smile, when they say something stupid. I smile when they’re rude for no freaking reason. I laugh and turn it into a joke cos they patiently wait for you to slip up like a villain on Criminal Minds so they can pounce and destroy your happiness. They’ll threaten you with queries or reporting you to the DG (Director General of Law School) . They will tell you all about how they keep your queries in a file that could affect your later life. They will tell you that they always keep the records and one day it will bite you in the ass. Ya da ya da, there just isn’t any point. Like my friend said the other day her prayer point is to be invisible. 💯💯💯💯
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