How An App Is Connecting Nigeria’s Low-Income Families To Affordable Products.
Different businesses commit themselves to different courses, while profits drive some, humanity inspires others. Oscar Ekponimo, founder of Chowberry, is one of those who has ensured his commitment to humanity is seen in his venture. As a result of Ekponimo’s father’s worrying health which prevented him from working when he was younger, Ekponimo can relate to […]
Different businesses commit themselves to different courses, while profits drive some, humanity inspires others. Oscar Ekponimo, founder of Chowberry, is one of those who has ensured his commitment to humanity is seen in his venture. As a result of Ekponimo’s father’s worrying health which prevented him from working when he was younger, Ekponimo can relate to the lion’s share of the population who can hardly predict where the next meal shall come from.
His early experiences caused him to tap into his skillset as a software developer to create Chowberry, an app which unites NGOs and supermarkets in a bid to ensure low-income families are afforded the opportunity to buy near-expiring products at knock-off prices.
Glancing at the Chowberry website, discounts go as high as 60% and its encouraging to see how innovation can help businesses and customers at the same time. In the three month pilot, Chowberry claims to have reached 300 people in Lagos and Abuja while also impacting in-danger children and orphans in the process.
In light of the current food security situation in Nigeria, it is important that apps like Chowberry exist and hopefully scale up to cover the areas where they are most necessary and can have the greatest impact.
Source: CNN