Ghanian duo, Ayo!9:TRo and T3rrific, Bring a Wealth of Depth on Coltears
If I were to describe this song in one word, that word would be distinct. The distinction of the song will be quite hard to articulate, except you are conversant with rap songs out of Ghana. You see, rappers like Omar Sterling, Sarkodie, Samini, D-Black, Pappy Kojo are easily identified as Ghanaian, either as a […]
If I were to describe this song in one word, that word would be distinct. The distinction of the song will be quite hard to articulate, except you are conversant with rap songs out of Ghana. You see, rappers like Omar Sterling, Sarkodie, Samini, D-Black, Pappy Kojo are easily identified as Ghanaian, either as a result of the beats or their indigenous language or pronunciation of words.
However, this Accra born duo Ayo!9:TRo (what kind of busy name is this) and T3rrific have been able to churn out a distinct hardcore rap sound which makes sense when you learn their work is influenced by the likes of Notorious B.I.G, Nas, J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar and Jay Z.
Coltears is for strong rap heads. It features a crisp female vocal sample which can be pin-pointed to that earlier referenced Kanye inspiration. As concerning the other influences, we can only revere J. Cole and Kendrick for such deep. deep. deep lyrics.
Seeing how crazy we are about depth, Coltears is a sure winner. Listen below.
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