Custodian Fitness: Know your food groups

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The body is a complex and intricately  engineered machine, it must be cared for and fuelled for it to work well. You MUST EAT and include ALL food groups in your diet if you intend on loosing excess weight and becoming healthier.


These are very essential to being healthy, having energy and staying healthy. Complex carbohydrates are best, they contain less simple sugars, digest slower and so long term can help you cut down on necessary calories.
E.g. Brown rice, whole meal Pasta.

Aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating.

Broccoli, Kale, Sweet Potato, Bran Flakes, Corn, Kidney Beans, chick peas are all easy to prepare, tasty and highly fibrous foods.


Protein is essential to building and repairing muscles. The more muscle you have the faster your metabolic rate, the faster your burn fat, the quicker you achieve your goals! 

Lean protein such as chicken, fish, beans, lentils, nuts, or non-fat milk are best.


You need fat to lose fat! However limit your daily intake to 15-20% and choose “healthy” fats (unsaturated fats) that help reduce cholesterol levels. These can be found in olive oil, nuts, avocados, and fish.

iPhone users download ‘myfitnesspal’ in the app store to help you keep track.

NB: Many of the posts are geared towards women not because we don’t care about men but because the female body is what I have done extensive research on and what I know about.

To provide further help we have devised a  ‘Custodian Fitness: Food Shopping List’, so look out for that.