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Live from Hollywood … It’s Eras night. The top 8 couples will perform routines inspired by different eras, from the 1920s to the 90s. It’s also the midway point of the season which means that the couples will be dancing twice each Monday night, starting with the exciting team dances. Head judge Len Goodman has […]
Live from Hollywood … It’s Eras night.
The top 8 couples will perform routines inspired by different eras, from the 1920s to the 90s. It’s also the midway point of the season which means that the couples will be dancing twice each Monday night, starting with the exciting team dances.
Head judge Len Goodman has been away from the ballroom but made a return. Welcome back Len.
Major shout out to the costume and make-up department of DWTS because tonight the couples looked amazing. Anyway, let’s get to my thoughts …
Lowest scored dance: Ryan Lochte and Cheryl Burke’s Rumba
Ryan and Cheryl danced to a Rumba inspired by the 1990s. Ryan doing a Rumba was not something I was super excited to see. Why? Rumba is supposed to be a sensual romantic dance and I did not expect Ryan to deliver that and he did not prove me wrong. Although he did a little more dancing this week (which I’m grateful for), Cheryl did way more dancing while Ryan did so little. The judges noticed this too and commented on his lack of technique. Ryan has come a long way and I’m surprised he’s still here but I guess he’s somehow redeeming himself with America.
I’m ready to say goodbye. Judges’ score: 28 out of 40
Highest scored dance: James Hinchcliffe and Sharna Burgess’ Jitterbug
James is becoming the celebrity I now wonder if I’ll be talking about in this section every Monday (don’t want to jinx it). He is killing it in the ballroom week after week- who would’ve thought? James and Sharna’s 1940s Jitterbug was full of energy and goofy, in parts. James is the biggest surprise of this season; last week Julianne said he is the best male celebrity dancer the show has ever had. James is definitely living up to that.
I have to point out the super human that is Sharna Burgess. She had an injury from Monday morning’s rehearsal but still danced beautifully while wearing a knee brace.
Yes, Sharna. Judges’ score: 36 out of 40
Surprise of the night: Laurie Hernandez and Val Chmerkovskiy’s Quickstep
Laurie and Val danced to 1960s prom inspired Quickstep. There was a lot of backstory behind Laurie never going to prom and how that would bring about a challenge during their dance. I honestly did not understand why there was so much fuss about never going to prom, especially because it was not for a major sob-story reason. Moving on please.
Week after week Laurie gives us the typical great energy and fun dances but there’s nothing much to it anymore. It’s week 7 and other celebrities have improved their techniques and dance abilities so she has lost some of that wow factor. James has taken that spot. It’s quite surprising because I expected Laurie to dominate each week but that has proved not to be the case. Not only are there other celebrities that America might now be rooting for, Laurie’s technicalities seem to be lacking. The technique issue was evident during this Quickstep as Len even pointed out that she was going too fast during this routine.
I’ve mentioned in previous recaps that DWTS is a marathon and not a sprint, so I’m sure Laurie would definitely improve. They seem to be having so much fun, so who cares anyway?
I wanted to go to prom too. Judges’ score: 34 out of 40
Most impressive dance of the night: Calvin Johnson and Lindsay Arnold’s Jive
Calvin and Lindsay’s 1950s Jive really showed how much Calvin has improved over the weeks. Week after week, Calvin tightens his technique and still brings personality and an amazing smile. This jive definitely did not disappoint. Len even pointed out that Calvin has improved since the last time he was on the show (Len speaking truth this episode). Calvin and Lindsay also tied with James and Sharna for the highest score of the night.
Credit also has to go to his amazing dance partner/teacher Lindsay. This lady turns everyone she touches into gold.
Can I be next please? Judges’ score: 36 out of 40
Biased review of the night: Marilu Henner and Derek Hough’s Charleston
I was super excited for a Derek Hough Charleston because in the past Derek has choreographed pretty amazing Charleston routines (when does he not?). See for yourself here and here. Although this 1920s Charleston choreography was pretty fantastic, Marilu dancing it wasn’t. Marilu looked stiff, had very low energy and was out of sync with Derek. The judges agreed with these thoughts. I wonder what went wrong.
However, Julianne mentioned that Marilu is the oldest contestant this season (she’s 64) but she dances so well. Typically older contestants on the show don’t dance so well but might get far based on likability but Marilu dances like she’s in her 20s and better than some younger celebrities this season or that have been on the show. So we have to give her major credit overall. I wished she did that Charleston well but as I say, who cares?
If that’s what 64 looks like, then … Judges’ score: 29 out of 40
Team dances: Team Past vs. Team Future
Team past had James, Ryan, Calvin and Maureen and they danced to a Scottish folk song from the 1700s. The Viennese Waltz was the focus of their dance. Typically during team dances, the separate couples do mini routines that stand them out but this wasn’t the route Team Past went. They focused on the group routine which had a lot of beautiful lines, formations, and pictures. Although it was very pretty to watch, I thought going with the Viennese Waltz was a safe choice but the Judges thought otherwise and loved it. They scored 38 out of 40 (they won).
Team Future on the other hand went more traditional with the team dances structure as they had mini routines that showed each couples strengths. This team comprised of Laurie, Jana, Terra, and Marilu. Their theme was very Divergent-esque. Compared to the other dance, I enjoyed this dance. It was so much fun to watch and felt very different (hence the divergent feel). The judges pointed out that the moments they danced as a team was out of sync. They scored 35 out of 40 (Alas, Derek Hough loses another team dance).
During the package before this dance, Terra showed a vulnerable moment. She mentioned that when the professional dancers were putting together the choreography for this dance, they had to make some changes so she could be accommodated. It has been different for her because Sasha choreographed for her and her alone but pros that were not used to choreographing for her had to make that adjustment. Sometimes we could feel that it’s an inconvenience that other people have to accommodate us or our difference and that can bring about a low moment for the individual. The pros are amazing and Sasha is a great partner and they were able to choreograph a routine that was accessible for Terra. I loved everything about that moment – the vulnerability, the love but also the strength that came from that. Therefore, it was the moment of the night for me.
One of the reasons I watch DWTS is to be inspired and they always deliver.
The results
Maureen and Artem were in Jeopardy. Followed by Jana and Gleb (and everyone yells: whaaaat?). I have a theory behind this jeopardy nonsense but I won’t get into it right now.
We say goodbye to Maureen and Artem … no tears here. It was her time to leave. Fingers crossed that we say goodbye to someone deserving to leave next week too. No surprises please.
That’s all for now. Until next week – a special Halloween episode.
Photo credits: Instagram.com/DancingABC, Hinchtown, IamValC
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