Nollywood Recommendation: Love Regardless

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Starring: Zynell Lydia Zuh, Narsh Alexei Smith, Gbenga Titiloye, Pauline Oduro.

Language: English

Genre: Romance, Drama

Where can I watch it? : Irokotv

Love Regardless is a love story about two people who find each other in very unlikely circumstances. The beautiful Zynell Zuh plays Ivory, an aspiring singer who enters a romantic relationship with her new boss, who also happens to be her best friend’s father. Imagine your best friend becoming your stepmother!

The real story is in the relationship between Ivory and Peter, who is old enough to be her father. Ivory’s musical aspirations and the ongoing struggle to keep their relationship a secret fall completely off the viewer’s radar because the romance is just too sweet!

I won’t say any more to ruin it, but it’s definitely a tearjerker and something nice for the hopeless romantics.

Watch the trailer: