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Did you know that there are approximately 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide? Can you imagine all the different ways in which we all use the internet? Obasanjo’s Internet is our interview series where we speak to some of our internet favourites on how they relate to the internet and what it means to them […]
Did you know that there are approximately 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide? Can you imagine all the different ways in which we all use the internet? Obasanjo’s Internet is our interview series where we speak to some of our internet favourites on how they relate to the internet and what it means to them and their work. This week, Moyo Onipede, talent manager and co-host of music podcast With An S, talks to us about how she uses Obasanjo’s Internet.
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
I check in with the men that looked promising from the day before to see if any of them responded to me overnight or aired me. I also check my mails to see if I have any feedback or updates from conversations that are ongoing. I double-check almost all work conversations in case I owe anyone any work or so. But this part is the shakiest part. I go over my itinerary for the day to see if anything from the previous day is still as planned or if anything is off. Finally, I make confessions and pray that I have a good day and receive favour. If i’m reading an interesting book, I pick up as soon as I wake up.
How do you use the internet for work or pleasure?
Mostly for work. To collate feedback on the quality of things that I don’t have a personal opinion of. I also like to check in on general consensus on trends like do people think this bangs or is everyone loving it. It keeps me informed on how to sell talents and products. It also informs me on if I’m a dickhead with contrarian opinions or I’m actually not alone.
What moment or episode in your life would you say captured the essence of the internet?
Hmmm. Mostly through my school years in uni to google any question the lecturer asks. I’m grateful for Chat GPT and his sisters for their intervention on emergency feedback. Also when I’m going into work conversations, I like to be well informed. Nothing like going into a conversation fully armed with facts and figures like Mayowa Idowu and Deji Osikoya.
Your favourite social media platform and why?
Snapchat! I don’t really enjoy social interactions anymore. So I like how selective it is there. However, I enjoy Instagram because it has evidence of cappings and facts. The fact that it’s a core visual app is very satisfying to me. I enjoy Twitter too but my attention span can’t handle how long I have to focus to read all the opinions. One thing I don’t do is read threads. Unless it’s history related.
What was the last meme you saved?
Hmmmm. It’s the ‘I love bdsm’ meme. Call me if you’re, you know, trying to tie me up or gag me with your money. Jk jk, bdsm= buying dumb shit for myself. (Call me still, daddy).
Do you remember the first time something you posted went viral? What was it? How did it make you feel?
I don’t know if that’s viral but it was during the era of severe dry jokes and I tweeted something about Jide Kosoko and forgetting his hoe. The second time was when I tweeted my food preferences and people wanted me dead for eating the same things they eat but in a different pattern.
Created new food interests. https://t.co/TiMlfuouoY pic.twitter.com/bDKjGGpO7i
— Moyo (@m0yobaby) August 31, 2023
What’s the most outrage you have ever generated over something you posted? How did you react to it?
It was over my food choices and I aired every single one of them. How can you police me over the internet? Police your dad. He’s under the same roof as you. What do you mean you want to dictate my own choices, fueled by my own brain, financed by my own money. Ha, that’s serious. They need to get hobbies. Some wished me dead and I reported them. But otherwise, I ignored most. One went through my media and said that’s why I’m not a beautiful girl. I responded that he was actually right sha but that he’s a blockhead. But my ass is fat so maybe that’s why? Don’t kill me.
What rules do you live by on the internet?
Decorum always. Everything in moderation. Never say too much. Never give away information of people who require privacy. Like it’s my own little compound. I peep into other compounds occasionally but I remember my own values and never sway.
What is your guiltiest online pleasure?
Checking up on the men I like. Looking for old posts to see if the gist I heard is true. Sue me. Crying. Scouting things I’ll buy when I want to splurge too.
Would you say you have an online persona?
Ummm maybe? I’m nice online. I’m a dick in real life? I’m chattier in real life but you’d need to be super close to me to unlock that feature. I love so many men on the internet but guess what? I love double that number in real life. Don’t tell anyone sha.
What’s your favourite emoji and why?
because okay, whatever, I don’t agree but we move. Or to show I’m actually not gonna do sm or vice versa.
Are you particular about your feed?
Yes. While I want it to show that I’m living a particular genre of life, I also want it to look like a template for people interested in my kind of work. My Instagram bio says ‘based on a true life story’ because it’s not all roses and ahead ahead, there’s loopholes and insanity and I want to be as real with it. But there’s good moments in all of that so I want that to be portrayed too. I want to communicate all that without giving out all the details of the fuck up or lapses or rejections. I also don’t like to dwell too much on emotions online because nobody is your friend until they actually are. We’re chummy online but after that, what else?
YouTube or TikTok? Which do you prefer and why?
YouTube. Old Yoruba movies are waiting for me in multitudes. TikTok kini? Love to all involved sha.
Which Nigerian creator do you think the world needs to see and hear more of?
Tobi Naiwo has a clothing line for awesome fits that I think rad youths can engage in. Layi Wasabi is doing so good too. My friend Itty has a podcast with his friend, BaeGist. Listen to them!
Who is the coolest person you follow and the coolest person who follows you?
This is hard. Coolest person I follow is probably Taiwo Adeyemi. His carriage is awesome. I also really admire his confidence and opinions on life and work. I also think Mary Eteng is cool. I like her work and attention to details.
Coolest person that follows me hm. Ife Falola is so cool and he’s so intelligent and he follows me aww. Bad Boy Timz too, he has muscles, he thinks I’m funny and I think he’s cool. My friend, Jumoke Olayiwola is so cool too. Dami Oyeleke is also a cool babe omg. Soft, who works with Fave, is also a super cool guy. I like his style and carriage. Abimsola Naiwo is also a really really cool person. It’s like me sef I’m cool on some days sha. Mani, Gboyinwa, they’re so cool too. My friend’s wife, we call her Barrister K. Falade, she’s really really cool too. She’s so classy and soft spoken. That’s my new 2 year plan. Lmaoooooo
What is your favourite Nigerian podcast?
With An S! Have you heard of them? There’s this cool babe on the pod. Sharon! She’s such a babe! I really like them on that pod sha. And that Moyo girl? She’s my soul sister.
Have you ever hooked up with someone you met online? Did you regret it?
Hook how? What’s the meaning? As in go fishing? That’s strange. I hardly meet people online. We act brand new when we meet in real life or we hug and disperse. I met Ckay in real life for the fifth time and I fought a mopol for him so there’s no future for me in that department. But hook up? You people didn’t drop update na.
5 people you’d love to see answer these questions
Deji Osikoya, Goodluck Jonathan, FK Abudu, Korty and Jaido P.
Read previous Obasanjo’s Internet entries here.