Ojahbee And Oxlade Team Up On Suggestive ‘Dutty Love’

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Ojahbee and Oxlade’s relationship is so dynamic that on their latest, Dutty Love, they come together as sonic collaborators, and on the back of their synergy, Oxlade’s charm, mesmeric vocals, and the former’s funkadified instrumentals, they positively upset the balance of their relationship, giving way to the likelihood of them becoming an artist and producer tandem.

Rife with suggestive lyrics, intoxicating enough to put their listeners in the same mood that inspired the single, Dutty Love is an eponymously titled single that fully leverages its inspiration, creation, and execution.

As lewd as it is charming, Dutty Love sets the perfect tone for hedonism but its real draw is the synergy of both creatives, strong and alluring.