Traplanta Army’s The Section Pours Out Risqué Lyrics on ‘Hi’
Consistency is one of the greatest things one can boast of. Consistency of quality as well as in quantity are particularly important in the music world. For the Traplanta Army, consistency in terms of releases is something they continue to work on. Since the release of their four-track EP, Tragedy Can’t Find Us, late last […]
Consistency is one of the greatest things one can boast of. Consistency of quality as well as in quantity are particularly important in the music world. For the Traplanta Army, consistency in terms of releases is something they continue to work on. Since the release of their four-track EP, Tragedy Can’t Find Us, late last year, the music has been sparse particularly from The Section, Folabi Xanny and OBA who since then have two involvements to their name in total. The indication at the moment though is that the tide shall change and the boys who sit at the helm of the radical new wave of hip hop shall turn it up a notch with their releases in the second half of the year with The Section’s first single of the year, Hi, paving the way.
On the record, Section shows his ability to switch up his flow at will as he alternates between rap and and hip hop music on the fringes of becoming jazz. Hi sees Section rap in similar fashion to a marketer attempting to sell you a product, the product here being himself to a lady of interest. He feeds into her ego before going on to promote himself with risqué lyrics about potential experiences that are more often than not fantasized about.