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Here’s something a lot of men won’t willingly admit- they can’t locate a woman’s “G spot” even if Google Maps were to shout directions at them. Tragically, it turns out many women struggle with identifying parts of their sex organs as well. For instance, the labia is often confused with the vagina. Today, you’ll read […]
Here’s something a lot of men won’t willingly admit- they can’t locate a woman’s “G spot” even if Google Maps were to shout directions at them. Tragically, it turns out many women struggle with identifying parts of their sex organs as well. For instance, the labia is often confused with the vagina. Today, you’ll read this piece and brush up a bit on your Biology, hopefully.
While the vagina is the muscular canal that leads from the uterus all the way outside (this is where babies make an entry into the world, and penises, tampons, fingers, vibrators etc., go in as well), the vulva constitutes the exterior of the female genitals. This includes a pair of parts called labia majora and labia minora (inner and outer lips), where the pubic hair grows and, you know, the place that makes you feel terrific during playtime. We know these terms look pretty complex but stick with me.
Netflix finally released Season 3 of its sleeper hit Sex Education, to the delight of many. However, this article is hinged on a scene where one character Aimee Gibbs speaks to a friend’s mum and sex therapist. An enlightening conversation ensues about how vulvas are shaped. Much later, we find her giving her lady bits quite the stare down while checking a site that concludes her vulva looks a lot like a Geranium.
Taking a cue from Aimee and her friends on Sex Education, we’d like for all the amazing ladies out there to skip feelings of anxiety over their bodies. Here’s your complete guide to the beautiful world of the different types of vulvas. You might want to get a mirror and go somewhere private for this.
The Asymmetrical inner lips:
Here, one of the labia minora lips is more significant than the other. Just as one boob is often more prominent than the other, two lips make up the labia minora, and in this case, one hangs down more, making the difference very noticeable. Women with this type of labia are more prone to experiencing problems as their Urinary stream becomes disrupted; thus, itching and swelling can be common. Do not be alarmed though, just ensure you pay attention to your hygiene as much as possible.
Curved Outer lip:
Also nicknamed the horseshoe because it looks like one, your labia majora is curved round with the labia minora in front. The minora doesn’t hang below the majora. They both evenly meet and taper down like a horseshoe.
Prominent Outer lips:
This is when the labia majora looks puffy and enlarged. You can see the labia minora, but the labia majora, which is more prominent, may extend beyond the underwear.
Prominent Inner lips:
This is when the inner lips are longer than the outer lips. Ladies with this type of labia may experience discomfort wearing tampons, having sex or wearing tight clothing because of how long the labia minora is.
Long dangling inner lips.
This is different from the prominent inner lips because the inner lips hang lower and are pretty thin. If you have this type of labia and stand In front of the mirror, you can still see the inner lips.
Long dangling outer lips:
This is also different from the prominent outer lip because the outer lips are thinner and not puffy. If you have this type, then your outer lip is long enough to dangle outside your Vagina.
Small closed lips:
In this case, the labia majora and minora blend, so it looks like you have a set of lips. This means your outer lips are closed, so they hide the inner lips.
Small Open Lips:
The outer lips are small but farther apart, making them appear slightly open. Usually referred to as ‘The Barbie’ and often seen in porn clips.
Visible inner lips:
If you have this Vagina, you can see inside your outer lips because they naturally sit pulled back. Both the inner and outer flaps are the same size, and neither are puffy or hanging. This type of labia is otherwise known as “The Tulip” because it can look like a flower bud.
Growing up, many girls witness changes in the shape of their Vulva’s, which is still not a problem because most of these changes are linked to hormones, puberty, menopause or the menstrual cycle. When a girl experiences puberty, the labia become more prominent and thicker, whilst after puberty, the thickness may decrease and make it more visible.
When a lady is giving birth, the Labia may swell because of maternal hormones and the process of the baby coming out of the birth canal. We all need to embrace the different shapes our labia’s take and see it as beautiful. We also need to speak to health professionals that will.