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This month, we look into the effects that social media and technology have had on our generation. Today, we look at the ways technology prevents you from keeping your long distance relationship as fresh, hot and spicy as KFC Chicken. Talking to another guy on social media much more than you talk to your boyfriend […]
This month, we look into the effects that social media and technology have had on our generation. Today, we look at the ways technology prevents you from keeping your long distance relationship as fresh, hot and spicy as KFC Chicken.
Suddenly your boyfriend has to be the only one you pay so much attention to on social media. If you talk to another guy much more than you talk to him, you might as well go ahead and say you no longer want to be in a relationship because that’s what it means now. It’s getting harder to talk to a friend you genuinely care about for hours without your guy getting suspicious. When he finds out about it from a friend, he compares it to how much you laugh when you are talking to him and he doesn’t understand, because it cannot be possible that maybe someone else is funnier than him. But who cares about that right, its official, you’re a cheat!!!
So here’s my advice to you, no more friends. Stop making friends with people in different countries or cities far from yours, especially if that person was once your ex. Your ex can no longer be a possible friend, befriending him would be like forgetting to wash your chicken and there’s no way that KFC would be tasting good after that. You have a boyfriend, you don’t need friends.
If you asked me a couple of years ago if a couple could break- up over this issue I would laugh my ass out, but it happened. Two couples were in a long distance relationship while in high school with the girl being two hours ahead of him. Every night after school they would stay up and text each other over Skype or Snapchat. Often the girl would fall asleep while texting him without realising it because while it’s only 12pm his side, its 2am her side; and if she decides not to text him at all because she knows she’s tired, well that’s a whole new issue we’ll talk about. But who cares about that right, its official, she’s not putting in enough effort.
So here’s my advice to you, don’t fall asleep while talking to him even if you’re dead tired.That’s like forgetting to marinate your chicken. If there’s going to be trouble if you tell him you can’t text because you’re too tired, then make sure you have a cup of coffee (make that three actually) and an alarm set for every hour just in case you mistakenly fall asleep. It’s quite a pathetic story to tell that you got dumped by the guy who probably kept telling you he loved you to the moon and back because you fell asleep.
Communication is key in every long distance relationship but it now happens to be a measure of affection. If you can’t find the time to talk to him every single day because you are constantly being flooded with work then it spells out boldly “I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU ANYMORE”. You need to be able to talk to him every day even if you have several tests or reports due the next morning, or even if you run out of data. He doesn’t care if you try to talk to him whenever you have the slightest free time, if you can’t talk to him every day, its official, you don’t care about him enough so what’s the point of the relationship to begin with.
So here’s my advice to you, if you can’t afford to buy data or have unlimited access to Wi-Fi then don’t even think about starting a long distance relationship. It’s like trying to make that KFC without having the flour mixture to coat the chicken with. If you can’t squeeze him into your everyday schedule, but try to make up for it whenever you’re free, don’t bother because that’s just not good enough. Find a nice stable lad next door and become friends.
It just gets harder to understand his emotions through social media especially when he doesn’t want to tell you explicitly but still expects you to know. I admit that it should be possible if you can see him and tell from his facial expressions. But how are you supposed know that he’s upset when all you are reading is “I’m fine. I promise. Nothing’s wrong” or tell that he is being honest because you read “I am sorry babe. You know I love you.” And God help you if you try to ask him, it would just end up coming out as either you no longer trust him or you’re picking a fight. But all you want to do is understand, but who cares about that right? If you can’t tell his emotions over the phone then there’s a problem.
So here’s my advice to you, don’t even think about asking him. It’s like cutting up the chicken while in the fryer to see if its ready. If he insists he’s fine, let him be, just put a smiley emoji right there and exit before he replies. When the chicken is ready, it turns golden brown. Boys are similar, when they’re ready they’ll talk.
When he sends you a text or anything and you open it, he can tell. He can interpret it to mean absolutely anything when you don’t reply. He sends a message asking if you want to Skype tonight, it’s been a while and he’s missed you but after you read it, you notice the time and remember that you’re late for a meeting and rush over forgetting to reply. Somehow you end up on one of his friend’s snap story laughing your ass out. That’s the end, you’re screwed. When you come back to reply, there’s already 10 angry messages waiting for you and all you did was forget to reply. But who cares right, you are not allowed to forget. EVER.
Here’s my advice to you, turn off your read receipts feature for all social media accounts. Even if he can tell you’re online, he has no proof you read it. If you can’t then you need to be ready to explain yourself every time you forget to reply and he throws a tantrum. Do you ever forget to preheat the oil before you fry your chicken. No. Then you’re not supposed to forget to reply him.
These are just a few out of the many things that could go wrong with your relationship because of technology. You honestly have to be prepared for these situations if you want to start a long distance relationship especially while in high school. It happens both ways, both sexes are guilty of this. If you are not ready to solve these problems, your relationship might end up tasting like a bunch of soggy chicken breasts instead of that spicy, crispy KFC you want. But technology can also really help, if you take advantage of it and pay a lot of attention to it. So take my advice and adapt it however you want or ignore it completely, but let me know what you think. Share your own piece of advice in the comments below, I honestly could still use a few more myself!!!
Originally released via BlackP
By BlackPebbleGirl.
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