The Pablo Collective remix TLOP, tag it The Death of Pablo
A 4chan community known as The Pablo Collective has cooked up a remix project based on Kanye West’s latest studio album The Life of Pablo. Dubbed The Death of Pablo, the effort features four expansive pieces. The project’s creator says: I keep having this dream where Kanye puts out a new album called The Death […]
A 4chan community known as The Pablo Collective has cooked up a remix project based on Kanye West’s latest studio album The Life of Pablo. Dubbed The Death of Pablo, the effort features four expansive pieces. The project’s creator says:
I keep having this dream where Kanye puts out a new album called The Death of Pablo. It’s just 4 songs, Ultralight Wall, Washed Up, Father Stretch My Hands pt. 3 and Fade pt. 2. They are all around twenty minutes. It sounds like the originals but just twenty times darker in both lyrics and production also, Fade pt. 2 has 10 minutes of Kanye talking about his innermost fears and what happens when you die after a few minutes of silence.
[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=4118278001 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=9a64ff tracklist=false]
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