The PITH-Waf. Partnership Is Fostering a Youth Culture of Unique Self-expression

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In a convergence of two influential youth culture communities, Nigerian streetwear fashion and skateboarding brands, PITH Africa and Waf. have released their much-anticipated collection on the 25th of July. The two brands, known for their unique style and shared commitment to community and fearless self-expression, bring a dynamic blend of fashion lenses to this collection.

First teased in October 2022, Pith and Waf.’s collaboration captures elements of both brands, as Pith’s signature embroidery implementation and design elements are combined with Waf.’s skate-inspired style in featured two-piece outfits (Shirts and Jorts) and T-shirts. The result is a collection that not only represents the spirit of both brands but also revolutionizes the realm of self-expression in African fashion, especially among the younger generation.

A pre-release pop-up event is supposed to be held at the Waf. store in Freedom Parks on July 29th. This exclusive opportunity lets fans get a sneak peek at the collaboration and experience its creative energy firsthand.