Fizzy Thatcher’s Collateral Damage shines a light on the Soot in Port Harcourt
Port Harcourt is probably Nigeria’s most prominent city in the South South. As the capital of the richest state and most popolous state in the region, it takes a place of prominence. It’s also worthy of note that the oil richness of the region offers a paradox: it has allowed the city gather wealth and […]
Port Harcourt is probably Nigeria’s most prominent city in the South South. As the capital of the richest state and most popolous state in the region, it takes a place of prominence. It’s also worthy of note that the oil richness of the region offers a paradox: it has allowed the city gather wealth and aided its indsutrialisation but has also created a wave of pollution, poverty and health issues which the government have struggled to alleviate.
As a film-maker, Ifeoma Chukwuogo won our heart with Bariga Sugar. The film takes note of the history of the area citing the execution of the Ogoni Nine and the lack of progress made on the issues they fought for. The film takes in the perspectives of different campaigners, parents, and analysts who provide insight into the health risks posed by the soot caused by the pollution- believed to be the result of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons, asphalt processing and illegal artisanal refinery operations. It also documents the laissez faire approach of the government.
Watch the video below and sign the petition seeking action from the Federal Government here.
I worry about countless residents at risk of cancer, diseases.
My parents, both in their 60s inhaling toxins everyday.
Our government is watching silently as we die.
Pls watch & share this short doc film I made on the soot crisis in Port Harcourt