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Did you know that there are approximately 4.66 billion active Internet users worldwide? Can you imagine all the different ways in which we all use the internet? Obasanjo’s Internet is our interview series where we speak to some of our Internet favorites on how they relate to the internet and what it means to them […]
Did you know that there are approximately 4.66 billion active Internet users worldwide? Can you imagine all the different ways in which we all use the internet? Obasanjo’s Internet is our interview series where we speak to some of our Internet favorites on how they relate to the internet and what it means to them and their work. This week, Feyisetan Ajayi, Public Relations Manager at Chocolate City, talks to us about how he uses Obasanjo’s Internet.
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
To be honest, the first thing I do when I wake up is check my phone. I know that’s sort of a bad habit but I check my phone because I always have messages or other things to sort out for work.
How do you use the internet for work or pleasure?
I use it for work and pleasure because my work is doing stuff on the internet.
What moment or episode in your life would you say captured the essence of the internet?
I think the EndSARS period was when a lot of things were happening via the internet. People were mobilizing funds, and amenities, protests were planned, and plans were made on how to rescue protesters who were arrested. That just opened my eyes to how powerful the internet is. A lot of things can get done on the internet. I think that was a defining moment for me.
Your favorite social media platform and why?
My favorite social media platform currently is Twitter. I think Twitter is a place where you can banter, laugh, and at the same time learn from people. I feel like for all other social media platforms, people don’t say many educational things like Twitter. My thoughts, opinions, and the way I see things sort of get influenced and changed because I read certain things on Twitter.
Do you remember the first time something you posted went viral? What was it? How did it make you feel?
I think they were easing the Covid 19 lockdown and the government gave a curfew for movement. I posted a meme where I was like, “Oh anytime people are about to come out COVID is going to chill for us and when we are going back to our houses, COVID will come back outside” and that sort of went viral on Twitter. I mean, it was just hilarious because I didn’t even expect it to blow up. But I guess people just found it very hilarious and everybody could just relate to how silly our government was.
What’s the most outrage you have ever generated over something you posted? How did you react to it?
I promise you, the way I use my social media, once I get one or two bad reviews I’m deleting my shit real quick. I don’t post stuff that would get up to 10 people clowning me and all that. I don’t use my social media like that. My heart is very fragile. My emotions are fragile. I don’t have the strength to be letting people come for me and all that.
What rules do you live by on the internet?
For me, it’s just to observe, don’t talk too much, be nice to people, learn as many positive things as you can, and just see how you can make your impact positively.
What is your guiltiest online pleasure?
I like to scroll through pretty girls’ media just for the fun of it. I just like to see pretty women and scroll through their pictures.
Would you say you have an online persona?
Yes, I do. Online I’m a bit more controlled. I’m very careful about the kind of things I say, and the kind of things I post. I’m very particular and intentional about it. But in person, I can say a lot of things, and sometimes I can even misyarn and correct myself after. But online? None of that is happening. I’m always on my toes.
What’s your favorite emoji and why?
Honestly, I don’t think I have one.
Are you particular about your feed?
Nah, not exactly. I feel like that thing is just really stressful, except it was maybe a job for me basically or I’m some influencer that needs to be particular about what my feed looks like. But for a regular social media user? Nah. I used to be particular about it but at some point, I just felt like I was stressing myself over nothing. I’m not even making money from having a very nice sexy feed so why would I want to kill myself? I just post anything I want to post abeg.
YouTube or TikTok? Which do you prefer and why?
Ah. Don’t even whine me mehn. I prefer TikTok to YouTube. I work in music and TikTok is a platform where you can see the latest trends, how TikTok is influencing music, how people are blowing up on TikTok, or like the next superstars. To be honest, I think it’s because it’s intertwined with my job, I also sort of do influencer marketing; studying all that and then just trying to figure out what strategies work best to blow up a song on TikTok.
I also enjoy watching content on TikTok. It is very hilarious. I plan to use TikTok for 20 minutes and I end up spending an hour just scrolling, watching different videos, and having a great laugh. I also think TikTok is a great platform to learn stuff. It has a friendlier interface than YouTube. On YouTube, if you want to watch something, you’d probably have to go there and search for it, not like the thing will just come to you directly. But on TikTok, you can just be scrolling through your timeline and something from another country far away will just pop up on your FYP. So, yeah, TikTok for me.
Which Nigerian creator do you think the world needs to see and hear more of?
For me, I think it’s Layi Wasabi. I watch his video and I see that he’s very intentional about his words. He’ll casually say something but if you take your time to read between the lines and just listen to what he said, he’s dropping some stupid crazy ass bars.
Who is the coolest person you follow and the coolest person who follows you?
It’s two ways. The coolest person I follow is Young Jonn and the coolest person who follows me is Young Jonn.
What is your favorite Nigerian podcast?
I think it would be Afrobeats Intelligence by Joey Akan because I’m a music person and that’s where I go to learn stuff and just listen to industry people talk and tell stories. I think he’s one of the only people doing that and that’s something that interests me.
Have you ever hooked up with someone you met online? Did you Regret it
Yes, I have hooked up with somebody I met online and did I regret it? Nah. For me to even hook up with you in the first place, means that I’m not about to regret anything.
5 people you’d love to see answer these questions
Tife, Major AJ, Omolola, Adeayo and Alero.
Read previous Obasanjo’s Internet entries here.