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Did you know that there are approximately 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide? Can you imagine all the different ways in which we all use the internet? Obasanjo’s Internet is our interview series where we speak to some of our internet favourites on how they relate to the internet and what it means to them […]
Did you know that there are approximately 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide? Can you imagine all the different ways in which we all use the internet? Obasanjo’s Internet is our interview series where we speak to some of our internet favourites on how they relate to the internet and what it means to them and their work. This week, Wonu Osikoya, A&R and host of music podcast, Osikoya Speaks, talks to us about how she uses Obasanjo’s Internet.
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
When I wake up, I have to just check my phone for the time and get myself together. Then I study my bible, pray and go back to bed. I do all of that around like 7am, then I wake up again around 9am.
How do you use the internet for work or pleasure?
I use the internet for work and for pleasure because at the end of the day, work is pleasure. I actually have to be on the internet because I have to know what’s going on. But yeah, I feel like there’s a good balance between work and pleasure.
What moment or episode in your life would you say captured the essence of the internet?
This isn’t really personal but I would say 2020, you know, everybody was just surviving so you really needed somewhere to channel the energy and whatever because there was just a lot going on in the world. So I think the internet was really everybody’s safe space in 2020.
Your favourite social media platform and why?
I think currently it’s between TikTok and Twitter. Ah. There’s snapchat too. I think it’s Twitter, TikTok, then Snap. I like to just laugh and just, you know, have conversations so I think Twitter will do it for me.
What was the last meme you saved?
Do you remember the first time something you posted went viral? What was it? How did it make you feel
Omo I feel like I’ve had so many viral moments, especially on Twitter. The only one that comes to mind right now would be the most viral, I think. There was a tweet I made about my face being a 10/10. Something about God snapping with my face. The tweet has like 120 million views and I’m like why did that go so far? But yeah, it’s just crazy but I’ve had so many viral moments I can’t even lie.
ngl God snapped w my face. He literally said 10/10.
— W. (@WonuOsikoya) May 17, 2023
There was also a TikTok video where I made a comment about Seyi Vibes and Asake. That was really really big as well. In terms of how they made me feel, I think with a 10/10 tweet, it was just random. The Seyi Vibes one made me understand that the internet is such a crazy place and the people who love you today would say fuck you tomorrow. Since then I’ve just clocked out of emotions on the internet. I say what I want and I don’t even give a fuck about what people think. That’s just how I use the internet now.
@osikoyaspeaks “No Nigerian artist can do what Seyi Vibez did on Chance” Thoughts?👀 #osikoyaspeaks #musicpodcast #seyivibez #streetpop
What’s the most outrage you have ever generated over something you posted? How did you react to it?
Well, like I said, the Seyi Vibes post. It was posted on the Osikoya Speaks account and it was really really really big. Like it was such a big deal and I genuinely was just sharing my thoughts on that particular issue and I’m seeing comments and I’m just like, whoa. People are sending me death threats, saying a bunch of stuff. Like Asake fans, please now. It was definitely a lot. I think the only thing that I got out of that was the reach – I really just understood what my voice could do and how far I could reach. So yeah, since then i’ve not joked with that.
What rules do you live by on the internet?
I think for me it’s just – if it doesn’t concern you, just keep it moving, man. That’s just how I use the internet. Like I don’t even pay attention to it.
What is your guiltiest online pleasure?
Damn. I consume a lot of Justin Bieber content. Like, it’s crazy. I’ve watched every single video of him on the internet and when I’m sad or when I’m depressed, I literally just go on TikTok and watch edits. I love a lot of TikTok edits of my favorite people. But Justin Bieber is like my sage. When I’m watching the videos I just feel very safe.
Would you say you have an online persona?
Oh, yeah, I think I do. I guess to a point I really do have an online persona. It’s not much different from who I really am though. I don’t know how people say, oh, their Twitter is not the same as in person. Bro I’m like literally the same but I think I have a persona online.
What’s your favorite emoji and why?
My favorite emoji is the puppy eyes with tears because it just really represents me. Like I’m just there, looking at you.
Are you particular about your feed?
Yeah, I think so. I think just generally, I’m a very curated person. I like for things to just be in one place, like housed properly and things like that. So yeah, I think I’m very particular about how it looks. I’m very particular about the brand and what people are consuming. My Instagram and Twitter would be more curated but I don’t really care that much about TikTok. Im just living on TikTok.
YouTube or TikTok? Which do you prefer and why?
I would have said YouTube previously, but right now I think I’m really feeling TikTok more because TikTok has just become a search engine. You can use TikTok for literally everything. But at the same time, you can’t take away the originality from YouTube. I’m feeling TikTok more at the moment but it can change tomorrow.
Which Nigerian creator do you think the world needs to see and hear more of?
I think everybody needs to pay attention to Amy Okoli. She’s a walking Pinterest board. That’s literally how I see her. Her content is so properly curated and just so cute. You can tell that there’s always a bit of her in everything that she does.
Who is the coolest person you follow and the coolest person who follows you?
So there’s this babe that I love and I mirror. Her name is Haile Rose. She’s literally just a random Instagram account, but she’s so cool and I figured that she’s my birthday mate so that’s probably why we have lots of things in common. I really just like her. She’s who I would want to be like – in terms of the brand if that makes sense. If you go to her Instagram and you look through her stuff, you’d literally understand why I like her.
The coolest account that follows me? Hm. Who even follows me that is cool sef? I actually don’t know. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any really cool account that follows me.
What is your favourite Nigerian podcast?
Osikoya Speaks! I don’t think I listen to lots of Nigerian podcasts, I can’t even lie. I don’t think I have the time to listen to podcasts, that’s the thing. But I listen to a couple, I listen to I Said What I Said, of course, I listen to F&S Uncensored, I’ve recently been getting into With An S. I really like pop culture stuff. I listen to Tea With Tay as well!
Have you ever hooked up with someone you met online? Did you regret it?
I’m pretty sure I have, but I don’t know if I’ve regretted it. I’m sure I’ve probably met one of my exes from the internet or some shit so I don’t think it’s anything I would have regretted, plus I don’t like to relive my regrets.
5 people you’d love to see answer these questions
Gbemi Akinlade, Mayorkun, Jim the first and Folu.
Read previous Obasanjo’s Internet entries here.