Dare Olaitan’s debut movie, Ojukokoro is one of the most critically acclaimed movies to emerge from Nollywood in recent years. Particularly, in the context of the performance of the first time director and writer. Centered around the story of a manager of a money laundering petrol station, who decides to try his hand at robbing […]
Dare Olaitan’s debut movie, Ojukokoro is one of the most critically acclaimed movies to emerge from Nollywood in recent years. Particularly, in the context of the performance of the first time director and writer. Centered around the story of a manager of a money laundering petrol station, who decides to try his hand at robbing the petrol station but learns an invaluable lesson along the way.
Following its successful AFRIFF premiere and cinema debut in 2016, Ojukokoro: Greed will make its debut on Netflix this Friday. The movie was produced by Singularity Media in collaboration with House Gabriel and BCI Studios. It features an award-winning cast including Wale Ojo, Ali Nuhu, Tope Tedela, Somkele Idalama, Linda Ejiofor, Zainab Balogun, Hafiz Oyetoro, and Seun Ajayi.