Anthill Studios has released the teaser for their upcoming dramatic-thriller, Elevator Baby. The film, written and directed by newcomer, Akay Mason, is centered around Abigial Kuforiji, a pregnant woman with a secret and Dare William, a privileged young man. While stuck in a faulty elevator with Dare, Abigail goes into labour, and Dare has to deliver the baby himself.
You can watch the teaser below.
A pregnant Toyin Abraham plays Abigial; according to executive producer Niyi Akinmolayn, Abraham was 7-months pregnant when he called her to ask if she was available and willing to work with a first-time director. Timi Egbuson plays the spoilt Dare. Other cast members include Yemi Solade, Broda Shaggi, Sambasa Nzeribe, Shaffy Bello and Emem Ufot. The story is credited to Niyi Akinmolayan.
Elevator Baby starts showing in cinemas nationwide from October 11th.
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