Sean Kingston Joins Tomë On Sophomore Album Follow Up ‘I Pray’

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It’s been about four months since Tomë made her genius coated reentrance to the industry on ten-track sophomore EP, BT4W (Bigger Than Four Walls), a project that doubles as an ode to her growth and reintroduction to the world as one with the makings of a music superstar. With no time to waste, she returns to the drawing board from which she shares yet another phase of herself on I Pray

With assists from Sean Kingston, Tomë makes the most of a Dancehall dominant beat atop which she beseeches higher powers to strengthen her against adversaries. Tomë’s silky energy softened with bits of Jazz paves the way for Sean Kingston to deliver a verse charged with the energy that shocks the single into raw reggae rhythm. Together, the oddly compatible pair draw their listeners in by way of rhymes and rhythm, the perfect features for any refined RnB Dancehall hybrid.