Film & TV
What would Gulder Ultimate Search look like in 2021?
Back in the 2000s, Gulder Ultimate Search (GUS) dominated the Nigerian airwaves. The show had viewers gather around their television screens in their households every week. It brought families together and was the talk of the neighborhood. A social media user recounted how she was flogged for sneaking out to watch the show at a […]
Back in the 2000s, Gulder Ultimate Search (GUS) dominated the Nigerian airwaves. The show had viewers gather around their television screens in their households every week. It brought families together and was the talk of the neighborhood. A social media user recounted how she was flogged for sneaking out to watch the show at a friend’s house. That’s how interesting it was.
However, it stopped airing in 2014, after ‘The General Helmet” was found by Chinedu Ubachukwu. Since then viewers have made several appeals to its organizers to continue the show. On, the 4th of September to the viewers’ amazement, the organizers officially announced the comeback of the highly requested reality tv show themed, “The age of craftmanship.”
The reality show which lasted for 11 years was based on individual survival techniques on the quest to find a hidden treasure which usually involved camping in bushes and open areas to emerge the ultimate winner.
The show became a platform to host tourist attractions, with its first season being held in Snake Island, Lagos 2004, and moved to Obudu cattle ranch in Cross river state. Other seasons were held in places like NIFOR, Edo State, Awgu Hills in Enugu State, Shere Hills in Jos, and Aguleri forest in Anambra state.
What would Gulder Ultimate Search look like in 2021?
The hosts
We can’t help but keep wondering who the host would be if it would be a new face or one of the past hosts who are already used to the techniques of the reality show. We hope it’s the original host – Chidi Mokeme.
Cash prize
The cash prize went from 3 million naira to 10 million naira with a brand new SUV Car in 2014. This time around, the organizers have decided to up their game with over 50 million Naira worth of prizes which includes 20 Million Naira Cash, a brand new SUV, and over 20 Million Naira in cash prizes for the other GUS contestants.
Social media bants
GUS thrived in an era where the use of mobile phones and the internet was limited. Still, it was the main conversation in many homes. People talked about it in schools and at work. It’s no doubt that with social media, the conversation will get more interesting. From the time of its announcement till now, the Gulder Ultimate search Instagram page has gathered 18.6k followers.
Would it be based on votes?
Most reality TV shows use viewers’ votes to crown a winner. This is done to fund the organizers and encourage viewer participation. This leaves us wondering if Gulder Ultimate Search would adopt this technique since the winners in the previous years usually emerged as a result of finding the hidden treasure.
We have so many unanswered questions and anticipations and we sincerely can’t wait for the show to start on October 16, 2021 to cure our curiosity.
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